trumpet with each piece marked

Trumpet Care and Maintenance

Adam’s Music rents trumpets for musicians from beginners to professionals. We have a wide range of rental instruments suitable for players at any level, and for all budgets. No matter how much your rental instrument costs, Adam’s Music ensures it is in good working order before you take it home. Use these handy care and maintenance tips to keep your trumpet looking and sounding great.


trumpet maintenance case photo

Grasp the trumpet

Remove the trumpet from its case, and carefully hold it in one hand.

trumpet mouthpiece in case with trumpet

Add the mouthpiece

Take the mouthpiece from your case, and insert it into the mouthpiece receiver. Gently twist the mouthpiece approximately one-quarter turn.


trumpet spit valve being actuated

Blow out excess moisture

When you're done playing your trumpet, open each water key and blow through the trumpet. This helps remove excess moisture from the interior surfaces of your instrument.

trumpet mouthpiece in case with trumpet

Remove the mouthpiece

Take the mouthpiece out of the receiver, wipe it dry, and put it back into the trumpet case.

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Clean the exterior of the trumpet

Gently wipe the outside of your trumpet with a soft cleaning cloth. This will remove the oil from your fingerprints, and helps to protect the finish.

trumpet maintenance case photo

Put your trumpet away

Place your cleaned trumpet back in its case and securely latch it.

Cleaning and Maintenance

trumpet mouthpiece in case with trumpet

Clean your mouthpiece

Wash your mouthpiece thoroughly, rinse with fresh water, and thoroughly dry it. Put it back in the case.

trumpet maintenance valve oil

Apply valve oil

Trumpet valves need oiling daily. Lubricate only one valve at a time. Unscrew the top valve cap and partially remove the valve. Apply a drop or two of valve oil to the surface of the valve. Lower the valve back into its casing, and gently twist the valve cap back to its original position. Blow through the trumpet. If air will not pass through, the valve is in backwards. If so, rotate the valve 180 degrees, and blow again to test it. Screw the valve cap down completely. Press the valve several times to evenly distribute the oil.

trumpet maintenance valve oil

Test the valves

After applying valve lubrication, test the valves to make sure they're working smoothly. If they stick, carefully remove each valve and look in the valve casing for dirt or playing residue. If the valve sticks due to a dent, contact the store for further instructions.

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Clean and lubricate the tuning slides

It's recommended that you grease your slide monthly. Depress all the valves while removing each tuning slide. Remove moisture from the slides, and wipe the lubricated areas with a soft cloth. Apply a small amount of slide grease and reassemble the slide to the trumpet.

trumpet maintenance case photo

Overall clean

After any maintenance session, use a soft cloth to remove fingerprints.

Be Careful !

Your trumpet is designed and built to make beautiful music for many years. While your instrument is sturdy, it’s not designed to work if it’s neglected or abused. Here are some dos and don’ts of proper trumpet care:

If There's a Problem

Adam’s Music wants you to enjoy your trumpet. These maintenance and care tips will help keep your trumpet in top playing shape. If you have a problem with your instrument, don’t try to fix it yourself. Contact Adam’s Music for instructions. We’re your friendly neighborhood music store in West Los Angeles.

Click here for a printable PDF version of the Adam’s Music Trumpet Care and Maintenance Page